Economics Finance Technology


Japan is planning to issue newly printed 1000, 5000 and 10000 yen paper notes in the first half of 2024. Why would the country print their newer version of paper notes often? They do this roughly every 2 decades for various reasons one of which they claim, is to prevent counterfeiting. World is moving faster towards issuance of the digital currency yet Japan is printing new bills. This is because most of the Japanese still prefer to use and save in paper currency. But the young generation use credit cards, QR payment system and online banking. The timing for the renewal of paper money this time does not seem to be thought of well by the government. Anyway, it does not seem straightforward.

Economics Finance Technology


日本は2024年上半期に1000円5000円10000円札の新紙幣を発行する予定となっている。なぜ国は頻繁に紙幣を交換するのだろうか? 約20年ごとに行われているこの交換に様々な理由がある。その内の一つが偽造を防ぐためだとされている。世界はデジタル通貨の発行に向かって急速に進んでいるが、日本は新しい紙幣を印刷しようとしている。これは、日本人の多くがいまだに紙幣を使用して貯蓄することを好むからだ。しかし、若い世代はクレジットカード決済、QR決済システムやオンライン・バンキング/ネット・バンキングを利用するようになってきている。今回の紙幣の刷新のタイミングは、一見政府も十分に考慮されてないように思えるが、とにかく一筋縄ではない感じが漂っている。

Economics Finance History


Have you ever thought of what money is? I have been searching for answer to this question and going through this rabbit hole to find about Money for some time. Its very hard to conclude what exactly it is. But one certainty is almost everybody seems to go after it. Some do it for living, some for power, some for buying stuff, some to help other people, some for status, some to impress others, and many more. Most sacrifice their finite time for money, some even prioritize it over relationships. But its really hard to know what Money actually is. Very few use it as a tool of freedom which is what I found very interesting among its various use cases. Our civilization has come a long way and there was always this tool we call money and every era had few people who used it as a tool and most of the rest lived to get it for above mentioned various purposes.



This book is written by Swedish Philosopher, Nick Bostrom. He is a professor at Oxford University and the founding director of the Future of Humanity Institute. We all are hyped about the future but also have some fear of dangers that come along. Artificial Intelligence will make our life prosperous and there will be the smarter world without a doubt but it all depends on humans as we may not succeed in making AI as we think. The author explores the opportunities and potential risks posed by the development of AI. He also provides a hypothetical future scenario where machines surpass human intelligence and could even threaten humanity. There are endless positive aspects and possibilities but also concerns when thinking of superintelligent AI agents.